Saturday, 20 December 2008

K-NL out and about.

I thought we'd have pics from around the villages today...


These guys are great, coming to all the K-NL activities, they are always up for a laugh. The Belger bus stop was in the first 7 stops we did, they've been good supporters of Glo, and always scream at the Bus Driver Brian when he puts off the lights!


This is our newest bus stop at Glo. It's been great seeing the Rosehearty Kids coming in the bus door at Glo, they always make for the front row in the blue team. Theses guys are so friendly and have even offered the Bus Driver in for her coffee.....she's nae had time yet but I'm sure one day she'll make it.


These guys travel 8 miles to come along to Glo every week. They do a great job in the Yellow Team, always jumping high, singing loud and always up for a game or two.

Aye, we've even got folk from Memsie who come along faithfully every week, Lazers, Rangers, Glo & Kids Church these guys are there.

There are others children too from other places too, we put add them to our blog another day. I hope your enjoying the first official day of your holidays. Remember Kids Church is on tomorrow - I hope to see you there. Pastor Steve is looking for some help.....he needs some angels, a Mary, a Joseph, and a baby! Any idea what he's going to be talking about????
Well hope you've a great day and remember only 5 sleeps to go!!!!

Thursday, 18 December 2008

7 Sleeps till Christmas

Only 7 sleeps till Christmas.....and only 1 more day of school, am so excited.
I've posted some more photos of Santa, if you'd like to see your photo on the blog you just need to let me know. All you need to do is go to my picture on the right.......and click on the the bit that says
'View my complete profile'. Then underneath my photo there is a bit that says 'email', click on that and a clear email will come up on your screen. Just write your name and little message then click on the send button. The email will come straight to me and I'll try and get your photo up on the blog as soon as I can.

Can you believe there's no Glo, Rangers or Lazers this week! Am so sad about that. There is still Kids Church on Sunday though.

Kids Church starts at 6pm on Sunday night.
If your not busy why don't you come along, it's going to be great fun.

Hope you've a great last day at school, remember only 7 sleeps till Christmas.... on view my complete profile.....then email.....and your photo i'll be up asap. Or you could just leave a comment and i'll get it that way. To leave a comment just click on the comment bit below.

Saturday, 13 December 2008

Friday's Parties....

Yesterday was another busy day for Santa and all at the AoG in Fraserburgh. We had another 2 parties and everyone had a great time.

Our first party was for the Primary 1's and those who are not old enough for school yet. Vicki started the party with an old, duck goose, it was so much fun. After a few more games we all sat down to have some food before we played some more. We sang Jingle Bells and Santa didn't come! Emma was feeling brave and went to look for Santa for us. We were so excited when she found him, he was sitting downstairs waiting for us.

Our next party was for Primary 4 & 5, it was maybe the last party but it was packed full of kids. You guys in Primary 4 & 5 know how to party, it was so much fun. The musical arms was won by Nikki & Ethan - they can run fast! The competitive Primary 4 & 5's gave 100% to the 'Bring Me' game. Each team bought the objects asked for as quickly as possible, at the end of the game the Primary 5 girls won by one point. Well done!

Again we stopped for a while and ate some food before we went back to partying. After some more games we all got to go down and meet Santa. Check out the photos below.

Santa did a great job for us, he worked really hard giving out lots of presents and posing for loads of photos. Jessica & Elisha gave Santa a little present for himself before he left to go home.

Below is Santa and his helpers (Katrina, Julie & Amy) just before he left. K-NL wants to thank Julie & John for all their hard work building and decorating the set for Santa's Special Room - it was great.

Tomorrow we have our

K-NL Christmas Family Service
@ 6pm
Fraserburgh AoG
Kids it's going to be a great evening. The Kids Band will be leading us in the carols, Pre-schoolers are singing Away in a Manger & Christmas is a Time, Primary 1-7 are Jumping for Joy, 'So Real' is dancing, we have a Family Challenge and a the very funny 'Christmas Rewind' play which the young Glo leaders are performing. Guys it's going to be a great evening so try and come along.

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Party, party today and party, party tomorrow.

Wow.....what a day.
For all those who were partying with us today we hope you had a great time.
Primary 2 & 3 were first to come along and enjoy the Christmas celebrations. After musical bumps and pass the parcel we sat down for a bit to eat before getting back to the games.
We sang Jingle Bells very loud and no Santa walked into the hall!!!
Yes, we waited and waited and no one appeared. Sean and Scott were very brave and went to see if Santa had gone for a walk and they found .................SANTA IN HIS SPECIAL ROOM........
Yes there was Santa sitting waiting for us and we were sitting waiting for Santa - what a mix up.
Santa's room was amazing, did you enjoy it?
The lights, the fireplace, the snowmen, the trees, the naughty and nice list, the presents and of course SANTA - I think it was great.

Santa is here with two of his helpers.

After an exciting party with the Primary 2 & 3's it was time for the Primary 6 & 7s to arrive.

Priscilla started us off with a Christmas Classic - Balloons & String. This year is was boys v girls. It's such a great game with people stamping their feet all over the place while balloons are bursting. Next we had the 'love' all the boys ran away. I was chasing boys out of the toilets......and after they all came back and Priscilla changed the name of the game everybody joined in.

After eating it was time for another Christmas Classic - Happy Families.

Everyone went through to see Santa, before heading home - we had a blast.

We if you're reading this and it's your turn for partying today - come ready to have a great time.
Pre-school - P1 party starts at 3.30-5pm and then the Primary 4 - 5 party starts at 5.15 -7pm.

ALSO THE FAMILY CHRISTMAS SERVICE IS ON SUNDAY 14TH, starting at 6pm. Kids it's going to be great fun, I hope to see you there. I'll tell you more about it tomorrow.